AI Kickstart - because tomorrow won't wait

Is your organization facing challenges in designing, selecting, or implementing AI technologies?

  • Do you want to identify the potential applications of AI for your business processes?
  • Are you struggling to assess the technical and strategic feasibility of AI projects?
  • Are you looking for a strong and innovative partner to provide not only technology, but also valuable guidance and added value?

After completing our AI Kickstart, you will receive customized and practical solutions for the efficient and effective use of AI in your company:

  • We provide a quick and clear introduction to AI, focusing on your industry-specific applications and requirements.
  • We identify the potential in your processes and work with you to develop an AI roadmap.
  • We show you which AI approaches (e.g. large language models) can add value to your business.
  • Our AI solutions can be flexibly adapted to your company's needs and existing technical infrastructure.

abat is one of the leading SAP service providers for the automotive and manufacturing industries in Germany. We focus on your business processes and their optimization.

With AI Kickstart, you benefit from our many years of expertise in the field of AI - we help you to bring your processes to the next level.

    more about AI 

    Data flows with multicolored lines that merge into a binary data grid on a blue background.

    Here is our approach:

    • Conduct an initial AI potential analysis and AI readiness check
    • Prioritize the identified use cases for AI and translate them into an AI roadmap
    • Develop a Proof of Concept to demonstrate the feasibility and value of AI solutions

    We deliver these results:

    • Comprehensive assessment of your organization's AI potential
    • Detailed plan for phased deployment of AI (including time and resource planning)
    • Functional prototype based on state-of-the-art AI algorithms
    • Meaningful concept for the implementation of the selected use case
    A flyer as a summary for the abat SMARTsolution AI - Kickstart.

    Your summary for download

    AI Kickstart – because tomorrow won't wait

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    FAQ AI Kickstart

    AI can make business processes more efficient, promote innovation and create competitive advantages.

    The first step is to identify potential and develop a proof of concept to test feasibility.

    The technical integration and selection of the right use cases is often a challenge.

    It provides a well-founded analysis of AI potential and a roadmap for implementation.

    With AI Kickstart, you get customized solutions and fast results through proven methods.