Understanding RPA and identifying potential with the RPA Starter Package

What is RPA?

RPA (Robotic Process Automation) automates process quickly, in an easily maintainable way, and without changing the involved systems. The RPA bot emulates the interaction of users on multiple systems user interface.

RPA can automate any process but repetitive, manual, time-consuming or error/risk-prone processes are best candidates.

What are the benefits of RPA?

  • Efficiency and cost savings
  • Process stability and error/risk minimization
  • Short response times and fast processing times - 24/7
  • Higher employee satisfaction

The abat RPA Starter Package

  • You will understand how RPA works, what it can be used for, and which are the most important RPA platform providers
  • Through a specific Demo Use Case out of one of your company‘s processes, you will be able to see a bot in action, and generate management buy-in
  • You will get a clear picture of the next steps for the introduction of RPA in your business-wide strategy and your day-to-day operation

abat is one of the leading SAP and Technological Innovation service providers for the automotive and manufacturing industries in Germany, Mexico, and USA.

Implementing efficient process flows is our core business, and custom-fit customer solutions are our secret to success. And this means using RPA in the right place and with the right tools.

    mor about RPA 

    Robot arm points to RPA interface with symbols for automation and data analysis.

    This is how we proceed:

    • Introductory workshop on the basic understanding of RPA (target group: business & IT).
    • Joint evaluation of selected processes for suitability and potential for RPA automation.
    • Implementation of a Demo Use Case for a selected process.

    We deliver these results:

    • Potential benefit of selected business processes with regard of the use of RPA.
    • Demo Use Case for an evaluated process to generate management buy-in and to make RPA known in the company.
    • Roadmap for the next steps to implement RPA in your company.
    A flyer as a summary for the abat SMARTsolution RPA starter package.

    Download your summary

    Understanding RPA and identifying potential with the RPA Starter Package

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    FAQ RPA Starter Package

    RPA automates repetitive processes by mimicking human interactions on the user interface.

    RPA increases efficiency, reduces errors and improves process stability while saving costs at the same time.

    Especially for manual, repetitive and time-consuming tasks.

    It offers a demo with a concrete use case and roadmap for the use of RPA.

    It provides clarity about potential benefits and offers a rapid introduction of RPA.

    Our Success Story

    Volkswagen de México

    abat and Volkswagen de México are working together on Automating High Value Operative Processes through Robotics Process Automation (RPA) Technology.
    In 2021, Volkswagen de México and abat initiated the creation of logic robots (bots) that release administrative, logistic and production teams from manual repetitive activities within its processes.

    to the project

    Winding country road through a hilly landscape with a misty atmosphere in the mountains.