The abat XR Starter Package

What is XR?

VR (Virtual Reality) is defined as a computer-generated simulation of an image or a three-dimensional environment with which a person can interact in a real or physical way, using special electronic equipment, such as a helmet with a screen inside or gloves equipped with sensors.

What are the benefits of XR?

  • Increasing efficiency and concentration as well as emotional connection through virtual training 
  • Reduction of development times through faster iterations when using virtual prototypes
  • Fast decision-making thanks to three-dimensional visualizations

The abat XR Starter Package

  • A proof of concept in your application can identify the benefits of XR, such as potential savings.
  • Live demonstrations in the workshop character allow potential fields of application to be discussed and worked out.
  • With the equipment provided, you will live an immersive experience with a high-definition 3D content and surround sound.

abat is one of the leading SAP and Technological Innovation service providers for the automotive and manufacturing industries in Germany, Mexico, and USA.

Implementing efficient process flows is our core business, and customized customer solutions are our secret to success. And this means using XR in the right place and with the right tools.

    more about XR 

    Man with VR glasses interacts with a glowing virtual user interface in a futuristic environment.

    This is how we proceed:

    • Introductory workshop on the basics of VR, this is implemented with the support of prototype samples.
    • By developing a proof of concept, you will experience a use case with extended reality to learn more about the tool.
    • You will get a clearer view of where VR can be applied within your company.

    We deliver these results:

    • Potential uses in selected areas of opportunity for the use of XR in your company.
    • A project example in the form of a PoC with innovative technology to raise awareness of XR in your company.
    • Roadmap for the next steps to implement VR in your company. 
    A flyer as a summary for the abat SMARTsolution XR starter package.

    Download your summary

    Understanding XR and identifying potential with the XR Starter Package

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    XR Starter Package

    XR encompasses all technologies that enhance real environments with virtual elements, such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR).

    It improves efficiency, enables virtual prototypes and accelerates decisions through 3D visualizations.

    Especially for training, prototyping and process visualization.

    It offers a proof of concept (PoC) and live demonstrations for practical use cases.

    It directly shows potential savings and creates a solid basis for the use of XR in the company.