Success Story: Dialouge with Schnellecke Logistics USA

In a logistics environment, technology becomes more important and all sorts of different technologies are making their entry every day...- for VR applications in particular, we have noticed that several of our global customers are moving in the same direction, which proves to us that the market segment we are in believes in VR training solutions -.

Rene Deij
Business Development Manager of Schnellecke Logistics USA

Illustration of the green font logo of the Schnellecke Logistics company.

Over the past months, Schnellecke Logistics USA and MEXabat have worked together to develop a protype scenario of an automotive repacking process, here we are sharing some of the insight of the project.


Why have you decided to start using virtual reality for your projects?

Since 2016, Schnellecke has a training academy in Alabama where new and current team members are trained in an environment similar to the actual area of operations where they will be working. When the company expanded its business, we noticed that physical space runs out at some point, and creative solutions are needed without compromising on the quality of preparation of new team members. The company had already gathered positive experiences with virtual reality training in Germany and decided to launch a similar training method here in the US. It has proven to be highly effective and, most important, makes training fun at the same time.


Do you believe it is important to be a pioneer in the implementation of VR in automotive processes? If so, why?

Of course. Technology in a logistics environment becomes more important and all sorts of different technologies are making their entry every day. Schnellecke has a department focused on testing and trialing new technologies and, if found productive and cost efficient, implement these across the globe. For VR in particular, we have noticed that several of our global customers are now also working in the same direction, which proves to us that the market segment we are in believes in VR training solutions. VR allows a company to simulate operations with a 100% accuracy and allows trainees to become intimately aware of their tasks, their work environment and why they should carry out their tasks in a certain order. We have chosen to include visual, audio and haptic guidance in every step of the training exercises to ensure that new team members understand the orders they receive and get confirmation when they execute a task correctly. 


Why have you picked MEXabat as your partner for VR projects?

Schnellecke and abat were already involved in conversations that eventually led to discussions on training with VR technology. As a result, representatives from MEXabat met with Schnellecke and presented their ideas and solutions. The clear and concise way of presenting their concept along with hands-on examples on how the software would be developed was the reason Schnellecke choose MEXabat as their development partner for the VR training. 


Which advantaged have you noticed since using VR in your current processes?

Implementing the VR training has had multiple benets for the company. It was a boost for our employees, who noticed that Schnellecke has a progressive attitude towards new training methods and always seeks to improve these. Secondly, those that have trained with the VR system have noticeably more knowledge on the process steps and show a deeper understanding why certain steps are performed. Overall, satisfaction with the training program has gone up since it is now more varied and technologically advanced. Many of our associates are not familiar with VR yet which makes it more fun and challenging for them.


From your point of view, which will be the next steps for Schnellecke and the VR technology?

As we have had very positive experiences with the current VR training, Schnellecke has ideas on how VR could further benet us, both in our training academy and in other areas of the company. Besides the practical use, it also saves the company money since work cells, racks and other means do not necessarily need to be purchased. Schnellecke’s service portfolio encompasses a great number of processes that can be simulated in virtual reality, such as sequencing & kitting of materials, picking of parts or even forklift training that could potentially be trained in a VR environment.


Do you have any further comments that you want to share with us related to the virtual reality technology used for the automotive industry?

Not only in the automotive industry, but elsewhere the use of VR technology will become more important. Virtual reality allows a company to perfectly simulate future states of products or operations that can be trialed and tested before actual implementation. Companies are wise to adopt VR technology as part of their toolbox, whether it is to train their employees, test products or operational changes or the introduction of new tools and devices in an operation. Schnellecke will continue to closely monitor developments in VR technology to ensure the latest tools are applied in the preparation of their workforce.

MEXabat thanks Rene Deij, Christian Merting and all the Schnellecke team for its time and trust.

We are sure, this is the beginning of long-term innovation partnership.