Success Story: Fenix Outdoor International AG

More consistent with ID-Report in CSR reporting

„It is crucial for us that we carry out the worldwide collection of all non-financial key figures for the annual CSR reporting according to GRI as efficiently as possible and with high data quality.“

Fabian Nendza
Senior Sustainability Manager - Fenix Outdoor International AG

Fenix Outdoor International AG logo with black lettering on a white background.

About the company

Fenix Outdoor is a signatory of the ten principles of the UN Global Compact on behalf of its brands and retailers and has set itself the goal of making a positive contribution to the UN goals for sustainable development. As an accredited member of the Fair Labour Association, the company attaches great importance to ensuring health and safety in the supply chain and further promoting fair working conditions. The company is a member of the Sustainable Apparel Coalition to develop and apply the suite of Higg Index tools. In 2019 Fenix Outdoor became a member of the UN Global Climate Action Initiative. Fenix Outdoor has been climate neutral in sectors 1 and 2 since 2015 and has committed itself to reduce emissions in all areas by 40% by 2030 at the latest and to be climate neutral by 2050.

More than 120
locations worldwide 

CSR Manager

616 Mio. EUR
annual sales

More than 300
users of ID-Report

30 to 200 questions are asked per data collection

The challenge

Graphic of woman participating in an online meeting via a computer with multiple windows.

As CSR managers, we cross almost every organizational area. For us, sustainability is an essential aspect that accompanies us in internal processes such as production, HR, but also in the retail sector and in relationships with our suppliers and requires a high level of reliable information.

In the past, information has been collected using a wide variety of formats (especially MS Excel) and e-mail. However, we soon reached a level of complexity that could no longer be mastered without specialized software.

The need for information is constantly growing and we must continue to be flexible - by weighing up what information we collect and how the software solution deals with it.

At the same time, we need to improve the sustainability of Fenix and our brands through targeted measures - by feeding back information and recommendations for action.

In the past, these processes cost a lot of time because other solutions were simply not flexible enough and because worldwide surveys were difficult to integrate due to different language areas, availability, and lack of transparency.

The solution

Smiling man in a gallery, surrounded by framed works of art on the wall.

Fabian Nendza, Senior Sustainability Manager - Fenix Outdoor International AG

„With the help of the CSR management solution ID-Report we were able to further improve the database, which facilitates the implementation of effective measures.“

All entries are checked for plausibility in ID-Report. Not only errors such as "no unit specified" are noticeable, but also implausible deviations are detected. We find it particularly practical that we do not specify a unit such as Kg or KWh per question. In ID-Report the concept of unit groups is followed. For example, we only specify that data must be submitted in the unit group currency or mass. The data supplier can then decide which unit to use and ID-Report automatically converts to our desired target unit. This flexibility helps immensely in a data collection process with many data suppliers.

Overall, we have been able to further improve data quality and completeness. We can always see who submitted what information. We can also accept individual answers in ID-Report or reject them with reasons and contact the data suppliers directly via the integrated communication channels. We make extensive use of these communication possibilities because our data suppliers are distributed worldwide.

We also liked the flexibility of being able to create many things ourselves, which helped us to request data in a form we needed. And that works very simple. You select the data suppliers on whose data you depend and assign indicators to them with a single click. Questions are then automatically derived from the indicators. We can also adapt the questions, for example, to give important information to a certain location. The data suppliers are then automatically notified at the start of data collection and invited to the online survey.

Then we use the data for the analysis of locations, suppliers and measures as well as for our CSR report. In addition, we use the evaluation possibilities of ID-Report to return data to our locations and suppliers. Another benefit of ID report is clearly noticeable here. We have a consistent database that we can use for different purposes. These can then be used to generate web-based reports or simple Excel documents.

We also really liked the area for auditors. Auditors have their own role in ID-Report and their own views of data and processes (which we can also use for internal approval and verification processes). For the future we plan to carry out the audit with our auditing company directly in ID-Report. The auditors log in, check all data and processes and can also contact us or data suppliers directly in ID-Report if we wish to do so. We can view the status of the audit at any time and thus quickly get an idea of the progress of the audit process. We also expect ID-Report to make the process much more efficient.

The results

With ID-Report we have created a flexible framework for collecting data worldwide.

We were able to integrate considerably more data suppliers and thus develop a comprehensive database.

The participation rate in data collection has improved significantly.

We were able to improve the overall data quality considerably

We can respond to inquiries more quickly and efficiently

  • Summaries for our internal stakeholders
  • Evaluations for individual areas or locations
  • Creation of the CSR report
  • ...